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Squarespace SEO Intensives with

Unlock your website’s search potential with a one-day SEO overhaul.

Are you ready to elevate your Squarespace website to the top of search engine results? Our Squarespace SEO Intensive is designed to give your site the ultimate SEO revamp in just one day. With our comprehensive approach, we'll ensure your website is optimized from top to bottom, setting you up for long-term success.

How the process works:

we'll meet the morning of your day on a video call to discuss our plan of action, and get access to the tools we need to improve your SEO.


throughout the day, I’ll improve everything that Google likes to see on your website, and make sure nothing is blocking your website from being found.


once the tasks are completed, I'll invite you to join me so we can go through live together.


you have unlimited email communication and/or whatsapp access to me for the entire duration of our engagement, and can ask me any questions you have during the process.


once the day is complete, we'll determine what next steps look like. if you need another day, you can just book another session.


what we will accomplish

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Site Health Overhaul

We'll ensure there's nothing technical holding your site back.

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On-Page SEO Enhancement

Using a comprehensive checklist directly from Google, we’ll align your site to best Squarespace SEO practices.

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Google Suite Setup

Connect your site to all necessary Google tools to get found on search engines.

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Revamp of Key Pages

Rework existing pages to optimize for SEO, restructure content as needed.

*blog posts not included in revamp

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Optimized SEO Descriptions

Using AI, adding the best descriptions to each page on your site and resubmitting to Google to ensure descriptions are found.

*blog posts not included

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Alt-Text Descriptions & Optimized Images

If necessary, removing and re-uploading images optimized and adding descriptions for screen readers and SEO.

*blog posts not included

A SEO Intensive is the set it and forget it leg up you need to get found on the internet.

Did you know that 85% of all Squarespace websites aren’t optimized fully for SEO? That’s valuable search placement that you can use to grow your business. The good thing with this package is that you don’t have to do any of it over again later. It’s a one-time accelerator to help you get found better.

here’s what people are saying

“Working with Justin helped me get more organized with my business and he reassured me everything would be completed in our timeline.”
— Julie Mackey, yoga instructor

“Justin is extremely professional, reliable, and knowledgeable. I am so happy that I trusted Justin with the design. He exceeded my expectations and went above and beyond.”
— Dr. Samara Toussaint, therapist

“Justin was fantastic to work with, and I love the way my website turned out. I'm so happy with the work he did and so impressed by how quickly he did it.”
— Caroline Donnellon, elementary school teacher

“Justin’s patience and being quick on resolving feedback was so great, and he gave me practical recommendations and opinions on how to structure my website for maximum lead generation.”
— Carol Spieckerman, public speaker and retail expert

“Justin was great to work with, super responsive, works fast, and took all my creative feedback and site design direction really well, and recommended great solutions that improved my vision.”
— Brenda Lynch, yoga instructor and blogger

“Absolutely phenomenal, can't say enough good things. Professional, timely, and was able to not only understand my vision but implement it into a stunning visual website that I couldn't be happier with! Highly recommend.”
— Michelle Cuppy, fashion photographer

questions, answered.

  • The Squarespace SEO Intensive is a comprehensive, one-day service designed to improve all aspects of your website's SEO. I focus on technical health, on-page SEO, Google Suite integration, content restructuring, optimized descriptions, and image optimization to ensure your site ranks higher in search engine results.

  • A Squarespace SEO Intensive covers a multitude of key areas to improve your ranking.

    - Site Health Overhaul: Fixing technical issues.

    - On-Page SEO Enhancement: Following a 22-step checklist.

    - Google Suite Setup: Integrating Google Analytics, Search Console, and My Business.

    - Revamp of Key Pages: Optimizing existing pages.

    - Optimized SEO Descriptions: Crafting AI-generated descriptions.

    - Alt-Text Descriptions & Optimized Images: Enhancing image SEO.

  • The Squarespace SEO Intensive is a one-time fee of $2500.

  • While I cannot guarantee specific rankings, these comprehensive SEO improvements are designed to significantly enhance your site's visibility and performance on search engines, which can lead to better rankings over time. Most people don't realize all that you can do to improve your SEO using Squarespace, and this package will get you moving in the right direction.

  • No. Everything I do for SEO is completed in one day, and much of Squarespace's SEO features are set it and forget it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do additional SEO work beyond our day, but it will give you all the tools you need to build for the future.

  • I provide 30 days of post support to answer questions about the work we completed together. You'll also receive a detailed report on what was accomplished.

  • Not at all! Much of the SEO Intensive for Squarespace is technical back-end work, so there's no need for you to be present or live on a call with me while I'm doing the work. You'll receive a report at the end of the day of what was accomplished as well.

  • Blog posts take more time to optimize for SEO, because you need to work in keywords, re-write headlines and content, and add in descriptions. If you have a 15 page website, it will take most of the day to optimize those pages alone, and doing blog posts on top of that would drive up the cost. I aim to make this package as affordable as possible for my clients to take advantage of, and allow them to easily move up in the rankings.

  • If you have a lot of blog posts you'd like to have optimized in the same way as your website, I can create a separate package for you. Reach out to me with details and I'll come up with a rate.

  • Typically, I can perform the Squarespace SEO Intensive in one day on a max of 30 pages. If you have more pages, we'll determine together the ones to focus on. Not every single page on your website needs to be fully optimized for SEO; I'll be focused on your main pages instead (Home, About, Services, individual Service pages, etc.)

Ready to kick your Squarespace SEO into gear?

If you’re ready to improve your Squarespace SEO in just a day, let’s get you on board!