Template Policies


Due to the digital nature of templates, purchases will not be refunded or exchanged for any reason. To clarify, the following reasons are not eligible for a refund:

• You changed your mind.

• You're unfamiliar with Squarespace.

• You didn't fully read the template's description.

• You overlooked installation warnings or requirements.

• There's conflicting code affecting functionality.

• Squarespace updates their platform, causing visual or technical issues.

• You discover a bug or error in the template.

• You decline support for using the template.

• You delete the template from your account.

• You request a refund.

If you have any questions, problems, or concerns before or after your purchase, I'm here to help! Please feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to work with you to find a solution.

terms of service

All JMD templates come with an unlimited-use license, meaning they can be used an unlimited amount of times on an unlimited amount of websites. You have permission to use templates and plugins on both personal and commercial Squarespace projects, and may further allow your clients to utilize them on their websites.

things you can’t do

While using JMD templates, under no circumstance may you do the following:

  1. Sell or redistribute templates and plugins;

  2. Claim ownership of templates and plugins;

  3. Freely share template/plugin code in a public manner (blog, newsletter, etc.);

  4. Share templates and plugins with fellow designers or competitors;

  5. Copy and offer templates and plugins on a similar service.


Templates cannot be applied to an existing site

Templates are standalone websites, so it's impossible to add to an existing site. You’ll have to build out the new site from scratch, copying over content from a previous site to the new template site, and re-adding the domain + hosting.

Templates require an annual business subscription or higher

A Business Hosting Subscription is required for all template features to work properly. While we use as little custom code as possible, there is still a bit of code in each template and the business plan is required to make these features work properly.